Scooter Braun Quotes

1. To feel pain in someone's happiness is not to know happiness. If a dream is coming true you should feel their joy, not your own sorrow.

2. DREAM BIG…But then plan on working hard and making yours and others dreams a reality. New challenges…accepted.

3. Never lose hope in someone you love. The truth and love conquers all in the end.

4. You have no idea how much you can really achieve until you get up and make the effort.

5. Life is a roller coaster. Just know when you dip low it is only to build excitement as yo will fly high again. Enjoy the journey.

6. You should never do something kind in hopes of recognition. Do it because it's right. Do it because it makes you feel good.

7. Marketing is all about keeping it simple and honest.

8. I find nothing wrong with striving for the impossible. But I find a lot wrong with giving up.

9. It's what you do when you fall that defines you.

10. When you want something, you go the extra mile. It's the little things, the little extras that make it happen.

11. No one realistic did anything great.

12. You're a dreamer or a failure until you hit that big success. Then, you're a genius.

13. Best job in the world is making others happy.

14. (on Justin Bieber) Justin represents HOPE, that is his brand. Small town musician makes good. Fans want him to succeed. Many see themselves in him.

15. (on Justin Bieber) You guys are his fans. You shouldn't be spreading rumors, you should be supporting him.

16. (on Justin Bieber) Justin doesn't trust many people anymore, but it's weird cause he trusts his fans. He feels like they know the real him.

17. One day someone's here & tomorrow they r gone. Life is short. Make each moment & each friendship count. An act of kindness goes a long way.

18. (on Justin Bieber) We know you guys respect him enough to give him this moment...We are going to let him be a normal kid for one night. Is it a deal?

19. In every success story there is a point when you get lucky. It is what you do with that luck that counts.

20. (on Justin Bieber) For a kid who has achieved as much as he has, it is amazing how much he is doubted.

21. Hey! Those on Twitter- follow your fans!! It's a two-way engagement. Celebs who don't follow aren't engaging!When you follow someone on Twitter it is like a handshake back.

22. (on Justin Bieber) He said he used to steal clothes out of the-lost-and-found box because he didn't have clothes and he was embarrassed.

23. Treat the janitor to the CEO the same. You never know who you are sitting next to.

24. (on Justin Bieber) The other day he looked at me, we were on tour , and he said: "You know, I just don't trust people." And when I first met him, he was this really trusting kid who was wide-eyed and believed in everything in the world. 

25. An act of kindness shouldn't be suprising. It should be common place. And I think that over the last couple of years, he just doesn't - there's very few people in the world that he can trust. And he says: "It's hard for me to even make friends."

26. (on Justin Bieber) Say whatever the f-ck you want…Justin's not going to go crazy. He's not going to end up in rehab. He's not going to end up a statistic. Nine months ago, they said he lost his mind - he hasn't…

27. Do good, by doing good.

28. (on Justin Bieber) I think he's going through normal teenage stuff and he's trying to fight this idea of wanting to be normal, but then the responsibility that comes with being who he is. We address all that in the film

29. Happiness can be contagious.

30. Work with people you like.

31. Don't let anyone stop you from your dream, you can make it possible.

32. (on Justin Bieber) He's more vulnerable in this movie than any interview he's ever done, to the point where he breaks down at one point...And I think the humanity of it is what's going to be so shocking.

33. The person who can walk away is in fact the winner.

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