Lady Gaga Butt Pinched By Taylor Kinney (VIDEO)

Taylor Kinney pinched Lady Gaga's booty as she left her hotel in New York on Tuesday.

Lady Gaga, 28, was signing autographs outside her apartment when she felt someone touch her butt from behind.

Gaga was all smiles when she turned around and noticed the culprit was her actor boyfriend Taylor Kinney.

Just in case you have missed it, Kinney, 32, declared his love for Gaga in an interview last week.

Chatting about her affair with Kinney, Gaga was quoted as saying: "Having your lover be your best friend, it's the best thing ever. It's the best thing I can say about it."

Gaga pointed out that Taylor is secretly weird, noting: "He's very weird. It's like Freaky Friday."

Check out the cute video below…

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