Anna Kendrick On Naked Photo Hacking Scandal: "I'm Infuriated"

Kendrick, 29, also discussed her character as Cinderella in the upcoming Christmas release, claiming: "The interesting thing about her is she overthinks things, she's uncertain - we don't see that in most versions. In a lot of ways, I think it's this incredibly brave story. She's neglected and abused her entire life…she finally gets love and it's not the kind of love she was looking for, and she stands up for herself."
Kendrick was nominated early for an Oscar, something which rose her to fame. "It was insane," the actress was quoted as saying, noting: "Like really groovy and exciting. (But) there was a lot of "Why me?" - that sort of thing." Kendrick said of success: "Mostly it's the fear that the wolves are always at your heels and you're going to be tossed out into the street. If you grow up middle class, you just always feel like you've got to be working, because otherwise you won't be able to pay the rent."
As for the naked photo leak, Kendrick shared with the mag: "I'm so infuriated on behalf of those girls. And bummed out that people feel like that's something they can do." She has not been victimized, but she realizes what it means to be judged on her image. She stated: "The most common thing that I get is: "Am I the only one who doesn't think that Anna Kendrick is pretty?" And you're like: "No, you're not the only one. Arguably, all of the boys in my high school agree with you.""
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