Freida Pinto Quotes

2. I like to try new things all the time. I like to do something different just for the experience. I am open to any kind of acting. Comedy is difficult and so I am working on that.
3. I don't think Bollywood is only mindless cinema, but a lot of films they churn out are not films that I completely enjoy watching.
4. I feel thrilled and so grateful to all the forces at work that have led me to where I am right now. This whole experience has been simply magical. Every now and then I have to pinch myself to check if it's real. (This film) has been such an enriching experience. Right now, I'm just enjoying the reactions it is receiving and traveling to so many wonderful places, promoting the film.
5. I'm a human being before anything else.
6. (confessing her love for Dev Patil) The friendship blossomed after the film, it got even stronger. This is all new to us.
7. I'm glad I'm a strong person.
8. The camera never gave me cold feet. I have always felt comfortable in front of it. When I gave my first shot for the film, I was a little scared. But then I gained confidence.
9. If a cream can give you confidence then you really have to check your whole confidence department in the first place.
10. Of course I'm going to marry, but I don't know when.
11. One of my favorite actors is Javier Bardem, he always challenges his previous roles, and basically does the unexpected.
12. After six months of giving auditions for films, I got a call to audition for "Slumdog Millionaire". I thought this would be just another audition. But to my surprise, I was short-listed and finally selected.
13. In L.A. you hear all these stories of people being filmed in their own homes through their windows. I think that is so scary.
14. The word star itself is something I am against. I am more pro the word actor.
15. Meryl Streep was the first A-lister I'd ever met, and it was the most bizarre feeling in my life when I nervously said: "Ma'am, I'd really like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you," and she said: "I know exactly who you are." Since then I've met Sean Penn, Dustin Hoffman, Clint Eastwood and Ben Stiller.
16. Indian celebrities have the media and fans permanently outside their homes, and that would make me really uncomfortable.
17. There's one disturbing notion throughout India that light skin is more attractive than dark.
18. Mickey Rourke gave me a telling off at the Oscars. He said to me: "It's way past your bedtime - go home," which was funny!
19. All people - African, European, American - worry about being different. But I've learned that the traits we'd rush to get rid of are the very ones that others desire. People always covet what they don't have. That's why we should look at ourselves every now and then and say: "I'm proud of myself. I like the way I'm made."
20. With each film I want to grow as an actor. I want to do performance-driven roles. Slumdog Millionaire is a film about destiny. And destiny itself had a major part to play in me getting this role. I believe that things like a middle class girl debuting in a Danny Boyle film cannot be planned. Neither can winning an Oscar. If it's meant to be, it will. I've realized that the beauty of life is that it takes turns that are sometimes bigger than your wildest dreams.
21. I think it's my smile more than anything else. When I smile, it comes from my heart and I can actually feel it. Sometimes I feel like I'm exposing too much gums, but I don't care because when I really smile with my heart, there's something that goes flutter within me.
22. When you doubt one thing about yourself, you start thinking there's also something wrong with your hair, your body, your clothes, your accent.
23. I feel being an actress is probably not half as difficult as being a mother, and I do not know when I will be ready for that kind of a decision.
24. A lot of the younger Indian generation are either IT geniuses or doctors - the number of doctors I've seen in L.A. who are Indian is just crazy. So it is a very common thing. Or an accountant! That again is a very, very big thing.
25. I'll never forget where I'm from. It's essential to remain humble and evolving.
26. I always imagined that I would learn something each time that I would take to a new project, then I realized that each new project poses a completely different challenge.
27. I feel like the history between Israel and Palestine has a lot in common with the history between India and Pakistan.
28. We've arrived at a situation where understanding is primary. Now we don't need to Skype all the time, we don't need to talk every day over the phone. It's just understanding that OK, he's doing a film right now, so today is gonna be a busy day for him, he'll call me up tomorrow.
29. I'm embarrassed to be thought of as an icon. It's so far from what I am: a girl from suburban Mumbai who has been unusually blessed. I have not forgotten my days of struggling.
30. I find it very interesting these days that films are bringing in so many people of different ethnicities, and I'm proud to be a part of that cultural shift.
31. Anybody, anywhere in the world, all they want is to be free, to choose what they want to do without having someone tell them how to do it.
32. I guess confidence is the only thing that I take from project to project, but I'm always open to learning everybody's style - the director, the actor I'm working with.
33. I feel like this whole idea of wanting something that you don't really have is also very American in a way.
34. I generally just take good care of myself, just watch what I eat - especially when you're going to be in a tight costume...You don't want to be bloated and sucking your stomach in. You just want to be able to stand tall and let the corset do what it has to do.
35. This industry is for fighters and those who do not give up! It is very important to believe in yourself. Even when a hundred people rejected me, I did not lose hope and finally one of the biggest directors of all times (Danny Boyle) believed in me! Also working in this film (Slumdog Millionaire) has taught me a lot, not just in terms of acting but also about myself, which is an integral part of being a good actor!
36. I tell you why I like Chanel so much: when I started off, no one wanted to give me clothes to wear. Absolutely no one! All the labels said: "Who is she?" But Chanel believed in me from the very beginning.
37. There's this notion that the fairer you are, the easier it is.
38. As the world's getting filled with temptations, we're getting a bit frivolous and a bit fickle.
39. The fact that I have been born and brought up in Bombay - a city of dreams pretty much stood out as my guiding light. I have no role models as such. Yes there are many actors I respect and I am inspired by them but stepping into the world of Cinema was my childhood plan and I am proud to have finally hit my first goal.
40. I like working on big budget films.
41. Everything big-budget or stereotypical I was offered after "Slumdog Millionaire" was a huge no-no.
42. My parents always knew I wanted to become an actress, so they always supported me. My sister is from the media, so she supported me too.
43. I keep saying I'm not at all famous in my own country, because people do not think I have done anything for India.
44. Having grown up in Bombay, from the day you're born, you have absolute freedom to choose who you want to be.
45. I went to an all-girls' Christian convent school run by nuns. It was fun, but when I was 15, I said: "Mum, that's it - I need to go where there are some boys."
46. I think even the most beautiful person looks stupid on Skype.
47. I actually didn't mind school, and I enjoyed university and college. But while that was happening I still knew that this was not satisfying enough.
48. It was fun for me because I think dance is such a great from of expression and just going out there, letting loose and losing all your inhibitions was such a fun thing.
49. I've never told anyone this before, but I'm an obsessive-compulsive. I go back to my hotel room every evening and put the coat hangers back in order and open my bag and rearrange it. It takes a lot of my time, but if I don't do it I can't sleep.
50. Here's another secret - I have really big feet. I'm a size ten, so every opportunity I get I buy myself shoes.
51. I've learned to develop a thick skin, but you're bound to be affected when you read something bad about yourself in the paper and it's rubbed in your face over and over.
52. I love going into a country and just blending.
53. (on her three-year romance with Dev Patel) He is one of the cutest, cutest boys I have ever met, very down-to-earth, very humble and so unaffected by everything that has happened. We've missed each other quite a bit this year with filming. It's crazy how we miss each other…the small things just bring so much joy and cheer to us. Like the time at the Oscars ceremony - we just looked at each other and said: "This has been an amazing journey. Thank you for being a great friend through it all". That's what matters.
54. I wouldn't want to do a Bollywood film per se, but I would like to do an Indian-language film. For some reason I think Bollywood has become synonymous with commercial cinema, which is song and dance and everything that is larger than life, and I am interested in the reality.
55. I always wanted to get into acting. But it's difficult in India. You have to be a child of an actor or actress, or have a godfather.
56. I absolutely love London; it is one of my favorite cities in the world.
57. I think it's natural to want to become an actress after living in the city of stars and watching films all your life. After graduating from St Xavier's College, Mumbai, I modeled for two years.
58. (Freida Pinto believes Woody Allen used her break-up with fiance Rohan Antao as an inspiration for his new movie) When I walked into Woody's office and read the scene in the nursery, where Dia confesses for the first time that she has doubts about what she is getting into, I was like: "Has someone been reading the gossip magazines to Woody?"
59. In terms of romantic films, all-time romantic films, I really like "Gone With the Wind." And I realize I sound so cliched saying that, but there's something so absolutely romantic about it.
60. I think it's important to be extremely proud of one's origins, especially when you are a foreign actress with ethnic features.
61. When a doctor is performing an operation, his mind cannot be somewhere else. And it's the same with actors. You have to commit yourself mind, body and soul to a project in order to do justice to it.
62. (Freida Pinto believes calling off her engagement with Rohan Antao was the best decision she made) I feel what I did was right, It's my life and if I didn't go through it, I wouldn't be the person I am today, sitting here talking about what happened back then and being a little more knowledgeable about what happens in a relationship.
63. I actually didn't mind school, and I enjoyed university and college.
64. I am first and foremost an actress of Indian origin.
65. I don't have a fixed address as I'm making movies all over the world. I'm filming in Israel at the moment and who knows after that, so I'm not making plans to buy my own place yet. Ultimately, Mumbai will always be home. That's where my family is.
66. I'd like to jump out of a plane. I have a fear of heights I'd like to face.
67. I definitely need to date someone who is calm.
68. His (Shahrukh's) is by far the most inspirational story of all. He's graceful, charming, and so wonderful, the best representation that India can have internationally. And I don't know yet if I was more excited or nervous to be standing next to Shahrukh Khan.
69. I did not particularly enjoy modeling. I felt I was only utilizing 10 or 20 percent of my abilities. In India, it's just another job.
70. I think I look like the typical Indian girl. There are so many pretty girls back in India. The most beautiful thing is they're not even aware of it. That is the beauty of their beauty.
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