Maria Sharapova Responds To Serena Williams Diss (VIDEO)

Williams had seemingly jabbed her fellow tennis star in a recent interview with the magazine, stating: "She's still not going to be invited to the cool parties. And, hey, if she wants to be with the guy with a black heart, go for it."
Though she didn't name Sharapova, 26, the magazine guessed Williams, 31, was referring to her tennis rival and estimated that the "black heart" comment was in reference to the fact that Sharapova is dating Williams' rumored ex, tennis pro Grigor Dimitrov.
On Saturday, Sharapova fired back at Williams in a pre-Wimbleton press conference, blasting her for allegedly dating her tennis coach while he was still married.
"If she wants to talk about something personal, maybe she should talk about her relationship and her boyfriend that was married and is getting a divorce and has kids," Sharapova revealed to reporters.
Sharapova also claimed she was "sad" to hear about Williams' controversial comments about the Steubenville rape case.
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