Jude Law Hair Transplant

Law, now 42, has obviously gotten a hair transplant and is actually a huge success.
Jude has always been the epitome of a heart-throb for the majority of women, but looking at several images of the actor is evident that his incredible appearance is in danger due to his hair loss, which is getting worse as years go by.
Hair transplant expert Asim Shahmalak from the TV show "Embarrassing Bodies" pointed out that Law needs to "do a Rooney" if he wants to stay away from going totally bald at the front of his scalp quickly.
The English star was spotted in July 2013 sporting the advanced stages of male pattern baldness.
Dr Shahmalak said of Law: "Jude is already showing fairly advances stages of male pattern baldness. You can see he has lost nearly all his hair from above his temples and now just has a small tuft of hair at the front of his scalp. He will need a fairly large medical procedure to sort it out".
"If he has does not take action in the next few years, he will also lose this tuft and be completely bald at the front of his head," Dr Shahmalak went on, noting: "His problem could be easily remedied with a hair transplant. Hair would be taken from the back of his head and replanted around the temples to fill out his hairline".
"It is a similar procedure to those undergone by Wayne Rooney. If Jude leaves it any longer, the bald patch will be too large to fix. The transplanted hair will be permanent and last him for life," Dr Shahmalak explained.
Dr Shahmalak was quoted as saying: "Jude is a fine actor but the reason why he is a household name is because he is so handsome. How many leading Hollywood men whose appeal is heavily linked to their good looks are bald. Not many. Jude is simply not going to get those leading roles without addressing issues with his hair, adding: "In short, he needs to "do a Rooney"."
It has to be mentioned that the "Cold Mountain" star has tried to hide his baldness countless times.
Law, however, turned heads when he walked the red carpet at the Toronto Film Festival recently, showing off a much fuller head of curls in places that were bald before.
Hair transplant expert, Dr. Sean Behnam, revealed to celebrity website RadarOnline.com that despite the appearance of thicker hair, his hairline looks weird and hasn't been tampered with. But in two years time, if it continues to go untreated, his "island" will disappear.
"I continually get asked by my patients if Jude Law has ever had a hair transplant," Dr. Behnam admitted.
"But, by looking at recent pictures, you can see he hasn't had one just yet. You can tell his hairline is at an unnatural state; if he was to receive treatment his hairline would be more rounded," Dr. Behnam went on, noting: "My guess is that it's the angle in which the pictures were taken that gives the appearance he has more hair; he's got Grade 3 hair loss so it's still very thin".
"In my opinion, Jude should definitely consider having a hair transplant now though; it will make him look just as handsome as he was when he was younger. Two years from now, the "island" that you see on the top of his head will completely disappear," Dr. Behnam declared.
"If he got the procedure done, it would also likely benefit his career. I'm convinced he would get more leading roles if he fixed this problem. Jude has absolutely nothing to be ashamed of - 80% percent of people I treat for hair loss are in the acting profession. I'd gladly fix Jude's hair if he wanted a hair transplant," Dr. Behnam added.
On the other hand, Law appears not to be bothered at all about his receding hairline and actually has come to terms with the the fact he is growing older with grace as he feels that it gives him a wider range for acting roles.
"Landing a role now is not based on my looks - more on my acting," Law was quoted as saying.
What do you think? Did Jude Law get a hair transplant?
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