Bruce Jenner's Gender Transition: Celebrities React

Several celebrities praised Jenner for speaking out about his transition and feeling like a woman most of his life including Lady Gaga, Laverne Cox, Miley Cyrus and Ellen Degeneres.
Check out what celebrities tweeted below...
Sending lots of love and support to #BruceJenner and their family tonight. It is always brave to stand in one's truth. Congrats darling.
— Laverne Cox (@Lavernecox) April 25, 2015
Bruce Jenner is a beautiful, brave human being. Sending him lots of love. He's saving lives and opening minds tonight.
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 25, 2015
💖💖💖💖💖💖I LOOOOVE LOOOVE LOOOVE Bruce Jenner!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
— Miley Ray Cyrus (@MileyCyrus) April 25, 2015
We have the chance to write this moment in history together. Let's empower people like Bruce all over the world by being loving & not mean.💗
— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) April 24, 2015
I support you #BruceJenner. Courageous and true to yourself. I hope the world gives you the love and respect you deserve.
— Matt Bomer (@MattBomer) April 25, 2015
I respect Bruce Jenner so much! What he's done takes so much courage x
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) April 25, 2015
Bruce Jenner is one the bravest humans out there. Him and his whole family deserve all the support and love the world can give. ❤️ #family
— Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) April 25, 2015
Absolutely flawed at how courageous and brave Bruce Jenner is. So inspiring and so powerful. Shame on anyone who dare judge x
— SAM SMITH (@samsmithworld) April 25, 2015
bruce jenner is beautiful💕 we all need to commit to making this world a more loving, supportive, SAFE /non judgemental place to be ourselves
— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) April 25, 2015
Bruce Jenner. What a brave thing you've done. Thank you for sharing. Thank you for shining a light on…
— Sophia Bush (@SophiaBush) April 25, 2015
Oh! I am reminded of one of my favorite Shakespeare quotes! "And this above all, to thine own self be true..." Well done, Bruce Jenner!
— Busy Philipps (@Busyphilipps25) April 25, 2015
I love you, Bruce Jenner.
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) April 25, 2015
Just saw the Bruce Jenner interview and it proved that the most important thing that defines us is love. 💕
— Abigail Breslin (@yoabbaabba) April 25, 2015
Major revelation by #BRUCEJENNER 2nite & tho I don't approve, I respect him 4 finally coming out as a republican
— Sarah Silverman (@SarahKSilverman) April 25, 2015
"All of us deserve the right to be loved for who we are ". Bravo #BruceJenner
— Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) April 25, 2015
Bruce Jenner-An American Hero yet again.
You changed EVERYTHING tonight. Thank you. #brave #authentic #beautiful
— Debra Messing (@DebraMessing) April 25, 2015
Hey #BruceJenner you're awesome and deserve to be happy and at home in your body. Everyone deserves that. People are people 💖
— Betty Who (@BettyWho) April 25, 2015
Bruce Jenner only confirms we're all battling something. So let's love each other & ourselves. God wants us to show respect & not judge...
— Mario Lopez (@MarioLopezExtra) April 25, 2015
bruce jenner - just beautiful in every way - thank u for ur courage #inspiring
— Rosie (@Rosie) April 25, 2015
God love ya, Bruce. So proud of your honesty. #BruceJennerAbc
— I. Marlene King (@imarleneking) April 25, 2015
The Bruce Jenner interview was so inspiring. What an amazing journey he's on. ❤️
— Ashley Benson (@AshBenzo) April 25, 2015
#brucejenner is so brave and I love that he's finally happy with being himself. #gobruce
— AshleyTisdaleFrench (@ashleytisdale) April 25, 2015
An historic, milestone moment for our culture, a big national conversation & a brave move towards self-realization for #brucejenner. L❤️VE!
— Ross Mathews (@helloross) April 25, 2015
#BruceJenner you ARE brave & a beautiful human being. Thank you for your honesty & making a difference. May your...
— Kyle Richards (@KyleRichards) April 25, 2015
Proud to be part of a generation that is making a change & embracing all kinds of people. Bruce Jenner, you did an amazing thing. #Spread❤️🙏
— Victoria Justice (@VictoriaJustice) April 25, 2015
So much love for you #BruceJenner from the whole #TransparentTV family!
— Jill Soloway (@jillsoloway) April 25, 2015
My takeaway from Bruce Jenner interview: Love is what we all want and need. Let people live their lives, accept, be open minded open ❤️ed
— Maria Shriver (@mariashriver) April 25, 2015
That's a profile in courage. Now, let's move to less judgmental society. Use compassion
— Maria Shriver (@mariashriver) April 25, 2015
Bruce Jenner. Being human is the most brave thing you can do. Let's give all transgendered the freedom, love and respect that we all expect.
— Marlee Matlin (@MarleeMatlin) April 25, 2015
The only way to live is honestly. No use being anyone but who you are. Thanks for setting such a powerfully public example, #BruceJenner.
— Ben Platt (@BenSPLATT) April 25, 2015
Thank you #BruceJenner for so bravely telling he exact same story all of my #Transgender friends have told me. Bless.
— Pauley Perrette (@PauleyP) April 25, 2015
Biggest take away from tonight - Bruce Jenner is a republican??
— Valerie Bertinelli (@Wolfiesmom) April 25, 2015
I'm so proud of Bruce Jenner - now you see the true Olympian! #goldmedals4areason #transpride #inspiration
— Margaret Cho (@margaretcho) April 25, 2015
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