Elsa Patton Plastic Surgery

Patton, 77, is speculated to have had multiple plastic surgeries such as a brow lift, lip injections, blepharoplasty, nose job, facelift, facial fillers and who knows what else!
Patton opted for plastic surgery several years ago and the operations left her barely recognizable. She spoke about the plastic surgeon's work, claiming he had ruined her face.
It is hard to believe that Mama Elsa was such a beauty in her younger days. Sadly, she made the bad decision to enter the vain world of celebrity plastic surgery and ended up looking ridiculous in her age.
According to reports, Patton initially had a nose job which didn't turn out as she planned and after a lip filler injection and facial injections that failed as well. It seems that each time she goes under the knife, she looks more grotesque.
Plastic surgeon Dr. Richard Chaffoo revealed about Mama Elsa plastic surgery: "It appears as though she had a brow lift, blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), facelift, and fillers although she looks overdone and unnatural. Her eyebrows are raised too high in a surprised and artificial appearance."
Conclusion: Elsa Patton's plastic surgery was definitely a horrible disaster. It is obvious that she is in a denial about her actual age. The unfortunate thing though is that she should come to terms with her botched plastic surgery for life.
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