Jesy Nelson Quotes

2. When I was younger I got bullied about the way I looked and I thought once I was older it would stop. I hated going to school, but didn't know who to talk to about it. It knocked my confidence a lot.
3. We want to be internationally successful. The important thing is that this is not just a two year thing. We want it to last forever.
4. I try never to compare myself to other people. I just think this is who I am. You are happier when you think that way.
5. I am not bothered about fashion.
6. She eats, like, the world and never puts on any weight. I have to sniff a bit of chocolate cake and I put on a stone.
7. I truly believe that you can do anything if you just believe in yourself.
8. If you want to wear something, all that matters is that you love it, not what other people think. Learn to love yourself!
9. I have the girls and they are like my family now. For every bad comment, there are 100 nice ones.
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