Lady Gaga Gives A Sneak Peek Of New Track "Swine"

A new video tweeted by the controversial artist gives them a sneak preview of snippets of an upcoming track "Swine".
Gaga, 27, flaunts her multi-tasking ability in the clip as she sings, plays the piano and slams on some electronic drums.
The video also displays some lyrics from her song: "I know, I know, I know / I know you want me / You're just a pig in a human's body," Gaga sings.
She then hits the next ham-fisted line: "Squealer, squealer, squeal OUT! / You're so disgusting / You're just a pig inside…SWINE!"
The song soon transitions into a hard rock breakdown reminiscent of a Trent Reznor B-side, and Gaga seems possessed as she smashes a cymbal to the beat.
In any case, Gaga appears completely proud of her song, even dubbing her performance SwineFest.
"I will be providing a list of acceptable attire for #SwineFest throughout the week," Gaga tweeted on Wednesday.
Are you looking forward to watching Lady Gaga's new video for "Swine"?
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