Making New Year's Resolutions

2019 has finally arrived and we are making resolutions for the new year. From my experience, when people make a resolution fail, because they get too enthusiastic and excited about new beginnings to they point they don't set specific, measurable and achievable goals.

So, in my opinion in order not to lose your faith it's highly recommended to be 100% realistic and honest with yourself.

If you are serious enough with your goals, you should develop self-descipline as nothing worthwhile in this life comes without sacrifice and hard work.

Of course there will be ups and downs as well as mistakes from your part because you are HUMAN, but that's totally ok because life is unpredictable. Don't expect everything to be perfect because it's never that way. You should always keep in mind that it doesn't matter how many times you fall as long as you get up.

As small changes can produce big results in the long run, new year's resolutions could be something like this:

1. Lose weight

3. Earn more money
4. Drink less
5. Quit addictions
6. Drink more water
7. Pay off debts
8. Wake up early
9. Travel
10. Stop procrastinating

The question is: "How much do you want it? Are you ready to stay committed to your priorities? Stick with a plan?" It's totally up to you!

I wish you a Happy New Year !!!


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