Charlie Sheen Is HIV Positive But Is Undetectable

According to celebrity website TMZ, Sheen, 50, has been HIV positive for more than two years, but he has been taking pills to keep the virus under control and over time, it has become undetectable.
In case you wonder what that means, an HIV positive person can go through antiretroviral therapy (ART) to manage undetectable levels. Once the individual successfully reacts to the treatment, he or she can eliminate the possibility of transmitting the virus to another person by 96%. The person can remain at this level if they continue to take the ART meds.
Being undetectable, however, does not mean that a person has cured themselves of the virus. In addition, it does not mean that there is a 100% chance of keeping your partner safe from the virus.
The actor supposedly felt that he did no wrong by not letting his sexual partners know about his HIV status because he was undetectable, but doctors believe that anyone with HIV should be completely honest with their partners about it. Charlie's ex-girlfriend Bree Olson has already refused that she has the virus.
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