Ellie Goulding: "I Call Myself An Aspiring Vegan"

In an interview with the mag, Goulding, 28, talked about her body.
"If getting stronger means getting more toned and slimmer, so be it, as long as strength comes with it. I'm happy with my figure. I never intended or tried to be skinny. It's just not my thing," the singer said.
Ellie shared about owning her vices: "I'm not ashamed to talk about my past. I smoked for a long time. I still drink alcohol. I believe you have to find balance. We're expected to stay fit and eat healthy all the time, but that's just never going to happen. We all have to deal with stress. Sometimes at the end of the day, I want to have a drink, and I'm not ashamed of that."
Goulding also opened up about eating like a champ…but not always.
"I call myself an aspiring vegan. It's challenging, but not impossible. You just have to eat or drink a lot of greens. I make green juice for myself almost every day. I put in things like bananas, avocado, spinach, broccoli - whatever's in my fridge, really. Sweet-potato fries and salad are my absolute favorites. They make the perfect meal. I eat a lot of quinoa and nuts, too, but I also love eating chips. It's actually easy to be a bad vegan because a lot of junk foods are vegan!" Ellie claimed.
For the full interview of Ellie Goulding, check out Shape.com.
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