Rita Ora Opens Up About New Album And Role Models On "Self"

In an interview with the mag, Ora, 24, shared about her new album: "I'm treating this as if it were my debut. It's like I'm starting from scratch. This is the first time everyone will see who Rita Ora is. Artistically, I felt like when I first got signed, it was a race. I was just trying to please everybody, not realizing that it really should be about knuckling down to who you are as an artist."
The singer opened up about making time to rest.
"I've never been more grateful for sleep than I am at this point. I used to hate it. It took a lot to mentally calm me down. But now I travel with a candle and a little lavender pillow. Obviously, I'm like any other twentyÂsomething: I like to have a drink after my show and things like that, but it's in moderation. It's one of those things where the band goes out later and gets hammered, and you've got to be the one who just goes to bed," Rita claimed.
Ora also revealed her role models.
"Jennifer (Lopez). Gwen (Stefani). And you can't knock (Jessica) Alba!" Rita said.
For the full interview of Rita Ora, check out Self.com.
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