Lindsay Lohan Quotes

2. How can you not like Britney Spears?
3. I want to get married before I'm 30. And I'd like to win an Oscar before then.
4. I'm not that girl from Freaky Friday any more! I'm a real adult. In fact, I hate children! I hate them all!
5. I think a woman's body is so much more sensual than a man's. I'm not saying strip off all your clothes, but there are certain photos I like people taking of me, where I'm comfortable. As long as it's tasteful, why not?
6. I'm not skinny for the wrong reasons. It's not because I'm bulimic or anorexic or doing drugs. Compared to a lot of actresses my age, I'm actually overweight.
7. My motto is: Live every day to the fullest - in moderation.
8. Beauty is grace and confidence. I've learned to accept and appreciate what nature gave me.
9. I am happy being able to play roles with people my age because once you do something really mature there is no turning back.
10. I don't care what anyone says.
11. I did get to work with Anthony Hopkins on "The Human Stain." If I ever manage to accomplish a quarter of what he's achieved, I'll have had one hell of a career.
12. I hate it when people call me a teen queen.
13. I don't know if I am cut out to playing a bad character or not - I really should give it a shot. I would like to play the voice of a baddie, but that's really just a cop-out!
14. I have always admired and had enormous respect for Elizabeth Taylor. She was not only an incredible actress but an amazing woman as well.
15. I just love fashion. I think it just expresses who you are so much.
16. I know that in my past I was young and irresponsible - but that's what growing up is. You learn from your mistakes.
17. I love my red hair. It makes me spunkier.
18. I really enjoy singing and I really enjoy acting, but singing I've been doing since I was really young.
19. I still need to go through the process of proving myself.
20. I think my biggest focus for myself is learning how to continue to get through the trauma that my father has caused in my life.
21. I want to be remembered for the work that I've done, rather than the car accidents that I've gotten into, the men that I've not dated - or the man that I have.
22. I want to give back. I want to do all the things that will make me feel fulfilled. But whenever I do those things, people think it's a press stunt or something.
23. I want to set up orphanages for underprivileged and abused children.
24. I want to win an Oscar. I want to be known for more than, like, going out. For being the "party girl". I hate that. I bust my ass when I'm filming and when I have time off, yeah, I like to go out and dance.
25. I wanted to be a movie star. But movie stars are not what they used to be.
26. I write a lot of lyrics and I'm involved in the producing process, because it's like, if I'm singing it, I want it to be something that I can relate to.
27. I write most of my own lyrics for my album and I am helping to produce some of the songs as well.
28. I'm an angel compared to some of my friends.
29. I'm 20 years old. I like to party as much as anyone my age. Going clubbing is my way of relaxing or releasing a lot of stress. I don't feel that I should have to justify that part of my life. I don't know that I'm necessarily an addict.
30. I'll probably pursue doing more movies, but not horror or movies with killers in them. I'll try to stick to happy movies. I want to act and direct like Jodie Foster. I admire her because she went to college and she's still doing the same thing.
31. I'm not going to deny the fact that I've tried pot. I hated it.
32. I've become more of a homebody, and I like that.
33. I'm the hardest working person I know. I'm 20 years old - is it a crime to want to go out dancing with my friends?
34. If I dated as many people as they said I have, then I would be dead, because it's just not possible.
35. If I can change bodies with anyone, it would be Britney Spears because how can you not like Britney Spears?
36. It's my body. And I like my body. And I like my breasts. And no, they're not fake.
37. It's so weird that I went to rehab. I always said that I would die before I went to rehab. But I thought: "I'm going to stay here tonight." And I stayed there for a month. It was great.
38. Life is full of risks anyway; why not take them?
39. Marriage is a big deal, but who's to say I'm not going to pull a Vegas and get married to see what it's like for a minute?
40. My brother Cody is 19. He wants to stay out of the limelight and become a lawyer. I want him to be an entertainment lawyer, so he can help me out!
41. My mom is going to kill me for talking about sleeping with people. But I don't want to put myself in the position where I'm in a monogamous relationship right now. I'm not dating just one person. "Sex and the City" changed everything for me because those girls would sleep with so many people.
42. My mum says: "Go with your first instinct," but this can lead to impulse buying!
43. My little sister Aliana's opinions are the most important to me. She says: "I want to look like you, you're so pretty!" But she is very beautiful and so she is trouble in the making! She wants to do what I do. I'm like her second mother and I am very protective of her.
44. Never say never. The things that you don't plan are the best. I'm a very spontaneous person.
45. Obviously, I want to sell records, but I do it because I find it therapeutic. In music I can be myself.
46. People go to college to find who they are as a person and find what they want to do in life, and I kind of already know that so it would be like I'd be taking a step back or something.
47. Say "no" more than "yes," and just make sure you surround yourself with good people.
48. On a day when you're tired, it's important to just say good morning to everyone so they're kind of aware that it's gonna be a good day. Jamie Lee Curtis told me that.
49. So many people around me would say they cared for the wrong reasons. A lot of people were pulling from me, taking from me and not giving.
50. So many people preach that they love fashion, but really it's what I live for!
51. Substance abuse is a disease which doesn't go away overnight. I'm working hard to overcome it. I did fail my recent drug test. I'm prepared to face the consequences.
52. There's a way of dealing with hardships that are healthier than going out. That's what I've learned.
53. When someone tells me not to do something, I'll do it more.
54. When I was a kid, I thought movie stars were women and men who were in these great films that we still look at now. But I don't think there are too many films coming out these days that we're going to look at in the future and say: "This is one of the great ones."
55. This is what I asked for, and in this day and age that's what actually goes on. But what hurts me the most is that I work just as hard as any other actress around my age, like Scarlett Johansson, but I just don't get the opportunities that they get because people are so distracted by the mess that I created in my life.
56. You shouldn't have to give things up for someone. If you love them someone, you should love them for everything they do and all that they are. I love acting and I wouldn't give it up for anything, and I don't know anyone in my life who would ask me to give it up.
57. I called her last week, and I was like: "Do you wanna hang out?" And her sister hung up the phone on me! I don't like having enemies…and there's the saying: "keep your friends close but your enemies closer".
58. He doesn't even deserve my respect.
59. You need to stop acting like the damn drama queen! (to Hilary Duff)
60. I love you Hilary Duff!
61. Sometimes being that thin doesn't look healthy. I kind of didn't realize that.
62. My mom has always been a great support, and she has put so much of her own life into my career. I do worry about her.
63. When I got there, I was nervous.
64. He did have Paul Thomas Anderson there…He said: "He's here in case I croak." I said: "Bob, please don't say something like that."
65. As sick as it sounds, a reality show might help, actually. At least then people could get the truth.
66. No, none of that stuff, though I'd like to try it sometime. Just old-school working out.
67. My character forms a great relationship with the car as well, which at first I thought was silly. I thought: "How am I going to talk to a car?" But you know I wanted to bring that relationship to life and people can see how cute Herbie can be. It's like a pet.
68. The words that I gave to the writer for Vanity Fair were misused and misconstrued, and I'm appalled with the way it was done.
69. I knew I had a problem and I couldn't admit it.
70. They said: "You need to take care of yourself. We care about you too much, and we've seen too many people do this, and you're talented," and I just started bawling. I knew I had a problem and I couldn't admit it.
71. I think everyone looks for that role where it's a stretch, and you can be kind of a bit edgier and push the envelope a little bit.
72. All of us need something. You just have to grab on to whatever can get you through. Maybe it's this business, but it seems everything can be so tough, so hard.
73. I think everybody has a little bit of kid in them - especially in this business.
74. The attack was a big deal, so I wanted to commemorate it on my body as a reminder.
75. I don't think any girl wants to see her parents in this situation.
76. I pray Egypt maintains it's treaty with Israel and sets the trend for its neighbors to create peace with Israel and the entire region.
77. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. The future depends on what we do in the present. One step at a time…(when she released from rehab)
78. I wake up every morning and despite being more in love with Sam (Ronson) than I have been with anyone else in the past, in all honesty I don't know if we'll still be together by the time we go to bed.
79. I don't even know how to take a break, because I go crazy. I just sit in a room and I don't know what to do. I went to the Metropolitan Museum and just sat there. But they didn't take any pictures of that, which sucks, because that would have been more interesting than pictures of me coming out of a club.
80. I wanted to do what Marilyn Monroe did (during the Korean War), when she went and just set up a stage and did a concert for the troops all by herself. It's so amazing seeing that one woman just going somewhere, this beautiful sex kitten, who's basically a pinup, which is what I've always aspired to be.
81. I want our relationship to be like the one Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio have. (About the director of Lindsay's cinematic crapfest "I Know Who Killed Me")
82. The biggest misconception is probably that I don't have my head in the right place.
83. Liars and mean people. I'm a Cancerian so I'm sensitive and emotional, but very honest - so I don't like liars. Also I don't understand people who are mean for no reason.
84. If I'd been with every man I've been linked with I'd probably be dead by now! Generally speaking, my friends are much worse - I'm the goody-goody one by comparison. I've had to grow up fast. I've had a lot of responsibility from a young age.
85. It was a sobering experience. (about rehab)
86. I am innocent…did not do drugs they're not mine.
87. I was going out with someone and they said: "I should read Machiavelli" and I was like: "Nah?", and then I was: "Ok, I'll read it", and now it is always with me.
88. I want to go to Egypt and Japan and open orphanages - a chain of them. (influenced by Angelina Jolie)
89. When my friends and family are around me I feel like they're safe…When my friends have left me - I've just seen everything collapse. They're not safe without me.
90. I just bit my finger...I forgot to move my hand!
91. I don't think people should do anything to be popular. But maybe within reason they can step out of their comfort zones and do things to be more "accessible". Like taking drugs or drinking heavily to be cool.
92. Yeah, I have a dark side. I watched all those videos on Charles Manson for a while.
93. It is clear to me that my life has become completely unmanageable because I am addicted to alcohol and drugs.
94. It's flattering that people want to know so much about me and want to take the time to make up that many things about me.
95. But I'm not going to go and lose my virginity in a movie, yet, because the second I do that, you can't go back. That makes me much older in terms of film and on the screen.
96. I don't like to talk about politics. If you say you're a Democrat, that'll turn off Republicans, and that's half of your fan base.
97. Partying and having all of those pictures taken distracts from the work that I do. It's not why I started acting. I didn't get into acting to be written about. It kind of just happened - so I accept that it's my life. But there are some things that I can do to make changes and grow up. I want to act like a woman rather than a teenager. I am doing the best I can. It was hard surrendering and having people tell me what to do. It was really humbling for me, but I liked how I was treated as a normal person. I kept the common areas clean. I liked making coffee for the gym the best. I'm planning a trip to Africa during the second week in December. I'm working with the American Red Cross, but it is not finalized yet. I just want to apologize to any of my fans that look up to me, especially my younger fans, for setting the examples that I didn't mean to set. That is one of the reasons that I want to change things. I don't want to be known as that person. I have a younger sister and she looks up to me, too. All the negative stuff that gets said hurts my feelings, it hurts my sister, Ali, and my family.
98. I don't want to keep doing all commercial stuff. But timing is everything. I got this one script where this girl wants to join a Latino gang and she gets raped. I can't be doing that right now. I don't think that's appropriate.
99. I was sick. I had people sit me down and say: "You're going to die if you don't take care of yourself."
100. I'm a huge fan of his, and as I was walking off the stage with him he started asking me: "How are you? Are you OK from your accident?" He said: "I've seen your movie Mean Girls (2004) about five times and I love it". I said: "Not only is it amazing to hear that from you, but it's so nice to hear that from someone, because all you read is: "Lindsay is out 'til four in the morning partying, da, da, da, da." (about Samuel L. Jackson)
101. Because I'm so much in the spotlight, people lose sight of why I'm in the industry. In fact, I'm doing all this because I love to act. I love to perform, to sing. I go out because it's a release. Going out for me is about seeing my friends and not working. Being seen is just something that comes along with it.
102. I have this Playboy book called "Redheads", and I was reading all these things about how redheads are more passionate and apparently they're much more sexual than girls with other hair colors. I think I'm more sexual than my friends. More comfortable in my skin. I'm a sexual person, definitely.
103. You can't really complain because it's what you have to accept is going to happen when you're in the spotlight, and you want this. And I understand that. At the same time, it's hard when you're just waking up, and you're going out to get your mail and there are people there. It bugs me sometimes, of course, but I don't do it on purpose, you know? I try to just live my life; I'm not doing stuff like that to get noticed. (on not having privacy)
104. We met recently at the Vanity Fair shoot and got along. Our apartment complex has chef and maid services. (On relocating to Los Angeles, California and moving in with Raven-Symoné)
105. Wilmer was my first love. But the timing was bad. And there were all these girls around; he would flirt with them. And I couldn't handle that. I really didn't trust him. So that was hard too.
106. It's so weird that I went to rehab. I always said I would die before I went to rehab.
107. Girls my age dress so much raunchier than I'd ever imagine myself dressing. I understand that I'm a role model, though, and I have to look out for that. I have a 10-year-old sister, too. But you also want to be appealing to guys and stuff, that's just something girls feel. It's hard. You want to be that girl that's unattainable to all the guys because there are so many other girls out there that are like that.
108. I'm not doing Playboy, no. Never. They contacted my publicist and they asked if I would do their 20 questions spread, which is not a nude photo that they do with it. It's a regular photo. But I do have a Disney movie coming out and a young fan base and I'm not interested in doing Playboy right now in my life. (20 Dec 2004)
109. When I'm walking down the red carpet and everybody is screaming my name, all I'm doing is worrying that they're thinking, like: "Oh, she didn't wave at me, she's such a bitch!"
110. I didn't get into this business to be a celebrity on the cover of tabloids and I've been a target and I'm not that interesting.
111. I'm my own person, and people can say whatever they want. I'm still going to be the person that I am.
112. With movies now, it's very easy for a girl to dumb herself down or look ugly or be naked or be a lesbian or gain weight - those are the ones that win Oscars.The only one who didn't have to do that was Julia Roberts. And she never took her clothes off.
113. It was a big deal for me because I've never had a relationship as public as that, especially being with a girl for the first time. That was really scary for me. But I didn't care because I love her. (about openly dating Samantha Ronson)
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