Adele Plastic Surgery

English singer-songwriter Adele, 24, seems she has gone under the plastic surgeon's knife.

Judging by the before and after pictures, Adele likely got a nose job.

Adele's nose was larger and bulbous before plastic surgery, but now is smaller and more refined. 

The question is: "What plastic surgeon experts believe about Adele's plastic surgery?"

According to Beverly Hills Plastic surgeon Renato Calabria: "The tip of Adele's nose is definitely more defined, which would suggest that she had a tip rhinoplasty. That consists of reshaping the lower cartilages of the nose by reducing their width and repositioning them with carefully placed sutures to give more definition. This can all be done trough a tiny incision at the base of the nose in a minimally invasive fashion to limit swelling and bruising."

Triple Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, Ramtin Kassir was quoted as saying: "It does indeed look as if Adele has had a rhinoplasty. The entire nose looks smaller, the tip is more sculpted and less droopy, and the overall form of the nose flows more smoothly."

Conclusion: Adele's nose appears much better after the nose job as it lifted the tip and removed cartilage. 

What do you think of Adele's plastic surgery?

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