Jenelle Evans Implants

Evans has complained about her small breasts before and on the March 18 episode of "Teen Mom 2" she took the decision to go under the plastic surgeon's knife.
On May 2012, Evans increased her bust from a B cup to a C. So, now she is officially a size 34 C!
After the operation, Evans revealed she was in "so much pain". But she was also thrilled to flaunt her new boobs! So, she unveiled her new body in a Victoria's Secret bathing suit while at the beach in North Carolina, saying she feels "more confidence" in her appearance.
Later she told her Twitter followers she was in pain following the plastic surgery and the bandages from the procedure were visible under her breast. "I'm not going to lie. My boobs are hurting so bad. I can't stop crying" she tweeted.
According to a source, Jenelle - before the procedure - had been planning on getting implants for several months, claiming she "got tired of having small breasts."
It has to be noted that Evans posted a photo just before the operation wearing a surgical cap and gown prior to the procedure, looking cheerful and giving the thumbs up. The accompanying caption read: "Ready to go and get new boobies."
Jenelle had the full support of her mother, Barbara Evans. "Jenelle has already had a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon. Her mom went along to the consultation to show her support," the source explained. "They are getting along much better now."
Jenelle was reportedly in the hopes of attracting her ex, Gary Head. According to celebrity website RadarOnline: "Not a lot of girls around the area have fake boobs, it just isn't something they normally do, but Gary was telling her that she would look a lot better with the bigger boobs."
When Jenelle found out she was pregnant, she was curious to know how it would be like to breastfeed with implants. "Weird…I can still breastfeed with implants…Lol THAT will be interesting," Jenelle tweeted.
Just in case you wonder if a woman can still breastfeed with implants, that depends on how the surgery was done.
Some doctors still recommend against getting implants if you want to breastfeed in the future. Breastfeeding expert and physician Dr. Miriam Labbok revealed to ABC News that the less pressure you put on your mammary glands the more success you'll have: "The mammary gland, like any other gland, performs normally when it has blood surprise and space to grow. But when you put pressure on any gland in the body you risk it malfunctioning and compromising lactation."
According to plastic surgeon experts, Jenelle's breasts were slightly asymmetrical but the operation was not completely necessary. Maybe, she was hoping that they balance out finally.
Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer was quoted as saying: "Jenelle may have had a troubled past, but there is no reason not to go forward with a breast augmentation. Enhancing her body can be just the boost she needs!"
What do you think of Jenelle Evans' implants?
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