Kelly Osbourne Apologizes To Lady Gaga: "I Acted Like A Child"

Osbourne, 28, tweeted at Gaga, 27, on Monday night: "@ladygaga I acted like a child last night. Just not into publicity stunts call me & we will end this like adults I don't want 2 fight anymore."
On Sunday, Osbourne attacked Gaga for giving her mother Sharon a "Happy Birthday Kelly" cake in an attempt to end the feud.
Osbourne was quoted as saying: "Not to be ungrateful but why would you send me a birthday cake via my MOTHER in a country half the would away? #JustSendItToME #LoveNotWar."
"#EatMySh*t #Hypocrisy," Osbourne wrote, along with an image of the cake, adding: "#StefaniStopIt!"
Thankfully, Lady Gaga and Kelly Osbourne will be able to work things out soon.
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