Keira Knightley On Fairy Tales: "Why Should You Be Told To Wait For Some F***ing Dude To Rescue You?"

Knightley, 29, revealed to The Edit: "I left them behind. Why should you be told to wait for some f***ing dude to rescue you?" This is actually the star's reaction to Hollywood double standards and gender inequality.
Keira went on: "The people who make movies, whether it's directors or producers or money people, look for things they can identify with, and if they're all predominantly middle-aged white men, then what you see are things that middle-aged white men can identify with."
"It's a political thing, having a baby girl, in a way that it isn't for a boy," Knightley explained, noting: "You think: "Oh, isn't this fairy-tale lovely?" Then suddenly you worry: "What (expectation) am I planting with that? I don't want her to be waiting around for a man to fix her problems.""
Knightley revealed that she has turned down roles because of "really overt sex and violence that is just, in my view, not justified." "I'm not saying that there can't be really interesting stories about sex and violence, but a lot of it I just think: "This is gratuitous for the sake of being gratuitous, and you'd never ask a dude to do this.""
The star has a similar point of view when it comes to making choices about nudity. She was quoted as saying: "It's actually a difficult question: how much flesh are you meant to bare? What are we saying is appropriate or not appropriate? We're saying that we should be sexually liberated but then again not that sexually liberated. It's confusing."
As she reaches her thirties, Keira states she is "absolutely fine" about getting older. "I had a funny 22, I didn't like that number. But 30, I'm alright with," she declared, adding: "With me, everything before 25 wasn't so fun, but everyone post has been great."
Check out Keira Knightley's behind-the-scenes interview below...
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