Morten Harket Quotes

2. (about England) In the beginning we ate only bad fish & chips and English men laugh when we say that we are from Norway.
3. (on Queen) This was a real climax, although I loved some of the earlier Seventies stuff too. What strikes me more than anything else about Queen is character. Technical singing is secondary to flamboyance, doesn't mean much to me. Character is everything.
4. I don't take debate in the media too seriously. I'll just give the finger to any gang of journalists who use an expensive communications system to broadcast hot air.
5. I've got to see how things look from beneath and from the sides. I have to turn everything upside down, I've got to twist statements around, dissect all final reasoning, cut them apart and find out what they really look like.
6. (on Freddie Mercury) A great range, and also a great approach to singing. He knew how to use the media - not by taking it seriously, by understanding how unimportant it really was. I think he was a deeply honest man. I never met him properly but he was a good friend of my former manager, who always loved him.
7. Jan has both psychic and healing powers. I was never interested in the mystical, astrology, fortune-tellers and the like. But things occur that I just have to accept. Jan turns into the different meridians in the body, and finds out where there are blockages. He doesn't change the actual system of the body, but changes how the system relates itself to itself. He reboots the computer, in a way. I've never been healed before or since. It wasn't something I went looking for, it was a pure coincidence.
8. (about friends) They are the same I had in Norway, but now it's most difficult to meet them than before. When I can, I like to skiing with them.
9. I can unreservedly say that I'm so much better off when I have access to what Jan does. What people think, I don't give a about.
10. When I listen to a singer like Jeff Buckley, I hear a vocalist who's come a lot farther than I have. I have something to learn from him.
11. I never lie but everything I say is a lie.
12. Whatever your innermost belief, your innermost voice says, that's what you'll get.
13. (on drugs) It obscures emotions and it darkens brain, I hate it because it steals your life
14. There are moments when I feel I've got it down, moments when I just sing. Those are the moments that make me keep going.
15. (on fame) It's nothing special and the way that media presents the fame it's wrong.
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