Leah Remini Quotes

2. Men stop trying after a while and get lazy.
3. Although I do have a sailor's mouth, it's not attractive to me to hear men cursing. That kinda talk is not charming.
4. (at the Natural Resources Defence Council's 20th Anniversary Celebration in Beverly Hills) I would do something else like change a light bulb or put in solar panels on my roof before I ever will shower with my husband.
5. (at the Natural Resources Defence Council's 20th Anniversary Celebration in Beverly Hills) Are you trying to give me a hint that I should drop it? I can lose the accent; I just have to really focus on what I'm saying. And I have to talk slowly.
7. Jane Jetson - I didn't respect her. She allowed her daughter to be kinda slutty.
8. I'm no expert and have a lot of work to do myself - but I would assume, ownership of your own crap, forgiving yourself for it.
9. But inside, I'm going: "Oh my God, is my zipper up? Do I have a booger in my nose?" That's my inner monologue.
10. Catholics pray, yes.
11. Cleanliness, cologne, genuineness, attentiveness, integrity - all very sexy to me in a man. Compliments that come out of nowhere are sexy. I love a man in a suit. Men should stay clothed, even if they have nice bodies.
12. (after leaving Scientology) I wish to share my sincere and heartfelt appreciation for the overwhelming positive response I have received from the media, my colleagues, and from fans around the world. I am truly grateful and thankful for all your support.
13. I also had the same look on my face in every picture. "Oh, look at me, I'm a tigress. This is my sexy look 2-14."
14. (on trying to convert friend Jennifer Lopez to Scientology to help with fertility) I think Jennifer knows how to get pregnant.
15. I applaud my mother now for getting me through that time and making me believe in myself.
16. If somebody is going to get turned off about something because of what they read or heard, then that person's not smart enough to even enter a church. If you're really against something, then know what you're against.
17. I loved "I Love Lucy". I loved their relationship, because he was so tolerant of her.
18. I can see how people might trip out about it. But I've been doing it for so long.
19. I love men who know when to put their foot down and when not to.
20. I think that's the thing that helped me the most growing up…feeling that I didn't have to lash out at her by doing drugs or whatever.
21. I try to be a good person. I know what my downfalls are, so that's a good thing.
22. I've always had a show that went seven episodes or 13 episodes or whatever. And I've never had a show that's gone past a first season. It really is a lot of work.
23. Men have just come up to me and asked for my number right away. That doesn't work. You have to know somebody and have a conversation.
24. I'll fax you a quote, and then our people can have a conversation about it. We're becoming friends now, and I don't want money to come between us.
25. The guy has to kill the spider and get the dead mouse outta the pool.
26. There's a lot involved in going to the bathroom for women.
27. You should have a silent power. You should know when to allow your woman to get the best of you. You should know when to say, "Yes, my love. I was wrong, and you were right."
28. It keeps you grounded, you lead a regular life and you appreciate things more.
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