Sophia Loren Returns To The Screen At 78

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Loren's return before the cameras, for her first starring role in a decade, will be directed by her son, Eduardo Ponti. The vehicle is "La voce umana" (The Human Voice), based on a 1930
one-person play by Jean Cocteau.
The three-week shoot is to occur in set in Rome, Naples and the port city Ostia.
Ponti, 40, was recently represented at New York's Tribeca Film Festival with an atmosphere short titled "The Night Shift Belongs to the Stars".
As for his gorgeous mother, who was seen briefly in the 2009 movie musical misfire "Nine" as the mother of the Daniel Day-Lewis character this will mark her first starring role since 2004's Peperoni ripieni e pesci in faccia (Too Much Romance...It's Time for Stuffed Peppers), a comedy directed by Lina Wertmueller, claims the Reporter.
What do you think of Sophia Loren's comeback? Are you excited?
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