Ali MacGraw Plastic Surgery

Ali, 74, admitted that there was a time when she didn't feel so confident about her physical appearance. While working on a television series, she claimed she went under the knife and had plastic surgery on her neck. "I did (the surgery) a long time ago because it's relentlessly terrifying to look at yourself on that monster screen, especially if people are fantasizing about you at 28," MacGraw was quoted as saying.
Ali explained she's not against plastic surgery when it's done for the right reasons, but she thinks some people in the entertainment industry have gone overboard. "I think we live in a time where people are just insane on the subject of how they look," MacGraw revealed.
According to plastic surgeon experts, Ali's neck still appears fairly tight and free of the jowls that commonly plague people of a certain age, so she may have spent time on facelift recovery at some point. She likely also uses good skincare products and sunscreens to beat sun damage.
Plastic surgeon Dr. Jonathan Hall, who has not treated Ali McGraw, was quoted as saying: "I think that she has aged well with plastic surgery. Not many of us are going to hold up well next to a photo from 40 years before. All that New Mexico sun doesn't help-the sun can damage our skin and age us faster - but she has a good neckline facial volume and appearance for her age. She looks fantastic for 73 - and would unnatural if overdone. I am guessing that she has benefited from well-done plastic surgery. Nothing to say "sorry " about here."
Conclusion: It's hard to believe that Ali MacGraw is 74 years old. She has undoubtedly aged gracefully.
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