Kate Bosworth Diet

The low caloric diet plus portion control are two of "Kate Bosworth’s diet" secrets to staying slim. With the portion control diet, Kate only eats small portions of food spread out for the entire day and eats them especially when she’s hungry. She eats anything she wishes but only takes three bites of each food. "Kate Bosworth’s diet plan" likewise includes a lot of proteins, vegetables, and fruits to supply her enough vitamins and minerals.
On the other hand, the low caloric diet that Kate follows contains a daily caloric intake based on the height, weight, and age of the individual. Usually, dieters who adhere to this diet monitor always their caloric intake making sure they don’t go beyond their caloric limit.
“I’ve always been thin,” the five-foot-five star states "Us". “I’m naturally pretty small.” (A source tells "Us" that Bosworth has to have size-0 clothes taken in.)
But at an estimated 105 pounds, “She’s got the body of a 12-year-old,” says Kerry Fetzer of Kollage Katering, who served the star breakfasts like scrambled-egg tortillas and poached chicken breast with avocado at lunch for eight months on the "Superman Returns" set in Sydney. Still, a pal of the actress tells "Us", “She doesn’t have a problem. She has an organic life and drinks herbal teas and wheatgrass shots. She’s just a health nut.”
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